Masala oats yummy easy and tasty meal
Masala oats with veggies Masala oats with curd Oats is a. Nowdays eatable as a diet .it's a non gluten grain.oats is healthy and easy option we don't even need lot of ingredients to prepare oats . Oats has a surprising health benefits like weight loss ,proper motion etc. So let's start to our journey to make oats . Ingredients :oats,water and masala oats pack Step 1:take a utesnsil to prepare oats . Step 2:add some water 100-200 ml is enough to. Make oats . Step 3:let waits for 2-3 minutes in this time water will be boiled step 4:add the masala oats pack in it let them cook for 3-4 minutes. Step 5:turn off the gas and serve the oats u can add fruits ,veggies and nuts to enhance taste .lets have a try to make masala oats . Masala oats loaded with vegetables